Review: A Late Return by William Rees

Here’s a review of a wonderful short book A Late Return: Table Tennis à la carte by Bill Rees. Bill shares his experience of restarting his table tennis passion as an adult in France. Along with his team-mates Alain and David, he enters a veteran tournament, with the aim of qualifying for the national finals. What follows is a wonderful, often humorous, account of the trio’s exploits. Keep reading

Adapting your table tennis game as you get older

Adapting your table tennis game as you get older

Getting older, doesn’t mean we have to be any less competitive. And it certainly doesn’t mean we can’t keep on improving. But we may have to adapt the way we play table tennis, so we can reduce the physical stress on our bodies, and still kick some butt! In this article, I share three ways you can adapt your game as you get older – to be less physical, but still very competitive – and possibly get a lot better. Keep reading

Tips on reading service spin

Tips on reading service spin

To return serves well, you need to read the spin. It sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But you’d be amazed how many players don’t really focus on reading the spin on the serve. If you have no idea what the spin is, then you have to guess. You might guess right. You might guess wrong. Either way it will be a guess, and guessing doesn’t usually end well. So, reading service spin is essential. In this article I explain a simple approach to reading service spin. Keep reading

7 tips to get back into your table tennis groove

7 tips to get back into your table tennis groove

Table tennis clubs in England can reopen again from 17 May. Hooray! I have been coaching for the past three weeks, so I have a bit of a head start. The players I coach are delighted to be playing again. Yes, we are all a little slower and a little softer around the stomachs, but most players have retained their skills. In this article, I share my 7 top tips to help you return to play and quickly get back into your table tennis groove. Keep reading

Ultimate guide to playing table tennis at home

Ultimate guide to playing table tennis at home

Life is in limbo. With ongoing restrictions and lockdowns, most of us have not been able to exercise and play sports in the way we would like. With our choices severely restricted, many of us are trying to find ways of being active at home. Table tennis is one very good option. It is great fun. It is beneficial for your physical and mental health. It is suitable for all ages. And you can play with family or by yourself, with the right equipment. In this detailed article, I am going to give you lots of practical information about playing table tennis at home… Keep reading

No table tennis content for a while

Just a quick post to say I won’t be publishing any new blog posts or videos for a while. Due to the latest lockdown, and schools being closed, I have to focus on helping my children with their education. This leaves me with very little time for anything else. When restrictions are lifted – and … Keep reading

Good riddance to 2020

It’s been a crap year. And the beginning of 2021 doesn’t seem it will be much better either. Table tennis – like most other sports – has taken a big hit. Leagues and tournaments have been cancelled. Clubs have closed, re-opened, and then closed again. Huge numbers of people have stopped playing altogether. It is … Keep reading

The benefit of disruptive shots

The benefit of disruptive shots

Disruptive shots unexpectedly change the speed, spin, length or direction of the ball. Examples of these shots are the chop block, forehand fade, around the net, snake / wiggly, a push with sidespin, a smash with backspin, taking the ball off the bounce, strawberry flick or even a slow and spinny topspin – all sorts of weird and wonderful shots. Are disruptive shots effective? Will they win you points? Should you use them? Keep reading

[Video] Tom in training #2 … Help me improve! (Nov 2020)

[Video] Tom in training #2 … Help me improve! (Nov 2020)

Here’s some footage of my last training session, filmed the day before the latest lockdown. In this session coach Ferenc Horvath is once again helping me to develop my attacking game. As always, I am happy to receive constructive feedback. Just leave a comment with your thoughts on what I need to do to improve. Keep reading

29 table tennis shadow training ideas + FREE workout sessions

29 table tennis shadow training ideas + FREE workout sessions

In this video I share 29 shadow practice exercises you can do in your home. Shadow practice is a great way of exercising and developing your technique. You don’t need any equipment – you just practice the movements of table tennis shots – drives, loops, chops, flicks, smashes. You can use the shadow practice ideas in this video to create your own exercise routine. Even 5-10 minutes a day can make a difference to your fitness and technique. I also share links to free 30-minute table tennis exercise sessions. Keep reading