Guide to buying a table tennis robot 2025

Guide to buying a table tennis robot 2025

I like table tennis robots. Not everyone does, but I think they can be very useful if you use them in the right way. In this blog post, I look at the different types of table tennis robots you can buy. I’ve split robots into three different categories: entry level robots, mid-range robots and top-of-the-range multi-spin robots. I also make recommendations on which table tennis robots I think are the best and give links to where you can buy. Keep reading

Best table tennis bats for intermediate players 2025

Best table tennis bats for intermediate players 2025

When players I coach progress from beginner to intermediate standard, I encourage them to buy a better bat. But what the heck should they buy? There are just so many bats available – all with different levels of speed, spin and control. For a player who is buying their first ‘proper’ bat, it can be quite an overwhelming experience. But do not worry, help is at hand. In this blog post, I share the advice I give to the intermediate players I coach (including specific recommendations). I hope my advice helps you too… Keep reading

Best table tennis bats for beginners in 2025

Best table tennis bats for beginners in 2025

As a coach, I often give advice to beginner players about what table tennis bat to buy. There is a lot of choice available and if you have never played before it’s quite difficult working out a good bat from a rubbish bat. Rather than giving my wisdom only to players I coach, I thought it would be good to share my thoughts on the best beginner bats to a wider audience. So here’s what I tell my beginners… Keep reading

How much? My costly blade testing experiment

How much? My costly blade testing experiment

Every now and then, I get the itch to try new equipment. It’s the same for many of us. We get settled on our rubbers and blade, and then a thought starts to flicker inside our brain – what if there is something better? This summer, I got the itch big time. It started with a speculative email from a custom blade maker. Keep reading

Best table tennis bats for junior players

Best table tennis bats for junior players

Buying a decent table tennis bat for your child can make a big difference to how he/she plays and improves. A lot of kids start out playing at school or at home with very cheap bats. These bats are fine if playing for a little bit of fun, but are not so good for developing good technique. In this blog post, I give some advice about which table tennis bats are best for junior players (beginners, intermediates and advanced).
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How to look after your table tennis bat

How to look after your table tennis bat

I spend more money than I should on table tennis rubbers, so I really try to look after them. I want them to last as long as possible and retain their grippiness, so I can get lots of spin on my shots. Taking care of my table tennis bat doesn’t take much effort or cost much money. In this blog post, I explain what I do (and what you should do too). Keep reading

Tips on buying a table tennis table for your home

Tips on buying a table tennis table for your home

A few years ago, I purchased a table tennis table for my home. It was an agonising decision (really it was!). Do I have enough space? Where am I going to store it? How much should I spend? Who am I going to play with? Am I really going to use it? Will I improve my table tennis skills? So many questions. In this blog post, I’ll share some advice about buying a table tennis table for your home and give a few recommendations of decent (and affordable) tables you can buy. Keep reading

Guide to buying a table tennis table

Guide to buying a table tennis table

So you want to buy a table tennis table? It’s not an easy decision. There’s a lot of choice available. In this blog post, I share advice about how you can tell a good quality table from a poor one, which brands are best, how much you should spend and where you can buy. I also give specific recommendations on which table tennis tables to buy for your home, club and school. Keep reading

Guide to the best table tennis balls

Buying table tennis balls should be an easy task. But alas not! There are loads of different types of ball available – competition balls, training balls and cheap ‘just for fun’ balls. Some balls are made of celluloid. Other balls are made of non-flammable plastic. So which are the best balls to buy? In this blog post, I’ll give my views of a variety of different balls and give specific recommendations on the best competition and training balls you can buy. I also give recommendations on which balls to buy for casual play. Keep reading