Simple method to improve tactical awareness

Simple method to improve tactical awareness

When you play a league match, or a group stage of a tournament, what do you do when it’s not your turn to play? Some players sit and chat. Some players disappear outside. Some players spend the whole time looking at their phone. This is a missed opportunity. You can gather some vital information about future opponents if you pay attention to their matches. Keep reading

A guide to table tennis etiquette

A guide to table tennis etiquette

When playing table tennis matches there are a few unwritten behavioural conventions which players should observe. We can call this collection of behavioural conventions ‘table tennis etiquette’. Without these behavioural conventions, there would be a lot more conflict / players punching each other in the face! Keep reading

Tom’s Table Tennis Quiz 2024

Tom’s Table Tennis Quiz 2024

It’s time for my end-of-year table tennis quiz! How good is your table tennis knowledge? I have 20 questions about table tennis during 2024. Each question has four possible answers for you to choose from. At the end of the quiz you can see how your score compares to others on the quiz leaderboard. Good luck! Keep reading

What’s going wrong with Chinese table tennis?

What’s going wrong with Chinese table tennis?

It has been a rocky few months for Chinese table tennis. I’ve been following the professional game for the past twenty years and I don’t recall a time when Chinese players have been beaten so regularly. By China’s phenomenally high standard – near complete domination for 25 years – these recent losses are a little concerning. So what’s going on? Keep reading

Table Tennis Foundations Course

Table Tennis Foundations Course

If you want to develop into a decent table tennis player, you need to have good foundations. You need consistent strokes. You need to understand topspin. You need to understand backspin. You have to be confident when serving. You need to have confidence returning serves. You need a range of shots which can help you … Keep reading

Top 20 most popular table tennis rubbers in 2024

Top 20 most popular table tennis rubbers in 2024

What table tennis rubbers are most popular with amateur table tennis players? To answer this question, I conducted a survey, asking players what rubbers they currently use for their forehand and backhand.  I sent the survey to subscribers of my mailing list and YouTube channel, various table tennis Facebook groups and users of the Table … Keep reading

JOIN NOW – Tom’s TT Academy

JOIN NOW – Tom’s TT Academy

I am delighted to announce that my new online academy – Tom’s TT Academy – is now live! In Tom’s TT Academy you will get access to exclusive coaching content, including the following… To join, simply go to Take a look inside Here’s a video where I explain more and show you inside the … Keep reading

Tom’s top 10 challenge

Tom’s top 10 challenge

I have set myself a new challenge. It’s a tough one. Maybe it’s beyond my ability level. But I am motivated to give it a shot. My new challenge is to break into the top 10 of the English veterans ranking list. Some would say I am deluded. They may be right. But, it’s a great goal to aim for in the next chapter of my table tennis life. Keep reading

Tom vs Europe – my first international tournament

Tom vs Europe – my first international tournament

I’m 35,000ft in the air. It’s a clear day, so I get some great views of the Norwegian landscape from my window seat on the plane. As we get closer to our destination, a slight panic starts to form. What the heck am I doing? This tournament sounded great fun when I signed up a year ago. Now I’m really not so sure. Maybe it would have been better to stay at home. Stick to local league matches. Stay in my comfort zone.

I’m about to take part in the 2023 European Veterans Championships in Sandefjord, Norway. Nearly 2000 players from across Europe will take part. There is a big German contingent. And Swedish. And French. These nations are super good at table tennis. Then there’s me. Tom Lodziak. A player with uncoordinated footwork, awkward technique and a mind full of self-doubt. I’ll be competing at a level higher than I have experienced before. What am I letting myself in for? Keep reading