Over the years, I have received many emails and messages on my YouTube channel, from table tennis players wanting to contribute to my work.
All my table tennis videos and articles are free to access and I plan to keep it this way. I get huge satisfaction from creating useful content which help people improve at table tennis.
And really, that’s my goal. I want to help you. I want to solve your table tennis problems. I want you to get the most enjoyment you can from the wonderful sport of table tennis.
If you like my content, please consider making a donation. Any amount you can give will help me to make more video tutorials and write more articles. I do all the filming, editing, writing and promotion myself. It’s a lot of work, but hugely satisfying. Your contribution will keep me going. You can make a one off or regular contribution of any amount you wish.
If donations aren’t your thing, there are other ways you can support me…
1. Share my content
A free way to help me in a massive way is to simply share my videos and articles with your table tennis friends or on social media. The more my content is shared, the more people I can reach and the more people I can help. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter and like my Facebook page.
2. Buy your table tennis equipment from Bribar (UK) or Megaspin (USA)
I am sponsored by table tennis company Bribar – a really fantastic family run business. They have a wide range of equipment. Their customer service is excellent. And they process and send equipment very quickly.
If you are a UK based player, please consider buying your table tennis equipment from Bribar using this referral link (I will earn a small commission).
If you are in the USA, I recommend purchasing table tennis equipment from Megaspin using this referral link (again, I will earn a small commission).
3. Buy my book
I published my first book SPIN: Tips and tactics to win at table tennis in September 2020. It is a book to help amateur table tennis players improve their skills, win more points and win more matches. I share tips on training, service, returning serves, winning points, tactics, playing matches and continual improvement. These are tips which work at amateur level and will make a difference, even if you only play one hour per week.
4. Buy a T-shirt
I’ve designed a few fun table tennis t-shirts. I don’t think I will ever win any awards for my fashion design, but I quite like them! I’ve managed to sell quite a lot over the years, so it always makes me smile to think there are people around the world wearing my designs. Why don’t you join the gang?
Supporting me is entirely optional. Table tennis is my passion and I will keep writing articles and making new videos no matter what. But any support I get gives me a motivational boost and makes all the work worthwhile.
Thank you for reading and supporting me. I hope I help you in some way (big or small) during your table tennis journey.