There’s lots of table tennis coaching videos available online. These are very useful if you don’t have access to a coach. Even if you do have a coach, these videos may offer a different perspective or teach you something new.
Below are links to some of the best coaching videos that I have found. If you know of any other good ones, please email me at
Tom Lodziak’s YouTube channel
I’ll start with my videos! I have lots of video lessons (5-15 minutes) which I post to my popular Youtube channel. My videos cover technique, tactics, service, receive, training and more. Many of my videos also feature other top coaches and players. I add new lessons every month and all the lessons are free to watch.
Go to Tom Lodziak’s YouTube channel

Tom’s TT Academy
My online academy – Tom’s TT Academy – is a great source of coaching tips. Members get access to a wide range of training drills, in-depth courses, a coaching clinic, plus bonus material from my YouTube videos. It’s an interactive community with table tennis players all over the world. You can post questions and videos and give tips and feedback to others.
Table Tennis Daily Academy
Probably the best online coaching website available (you can read my review here). The Table Tennis Daily Academy includes a range of coaching videos on technique, tactics, service, returning serves, psychology and training drills. New content is added every month. You do have to pay to access the site (£9.99 per month or £99.99 per year), but the quality of the videos is very high and the coaching from Dan and Tom is excellent.
Go to the Table Tennis Daily Academy website
Alois and Jeff from PingSkills are the masters of online coaching videos. They have created hundreds of videos over the past 10 years on every aspect of table tennis. What I like about their videos is that they explain everything very clearly. Lots of the videos are free to watch. Others you have to pay a membership fee to access.
Table Tennis University
Coach Tao Li reveals his substantial knowledge of table tennis. There is a free basics mastery course, where you can learn the fundamental skills needed to become a great table tennis player.
And then there is the full online training program. This is the most comprehensive online training program available. It includes 52 lessons, 148 drills and 60 answers to commonly asked questions. You get access to a lot of video content and the views of a very knowledgeable Chinese coach.
If you want more information, read my review of Table Tennis University or go straight to the Table Tennis University website.
Drill your skills
Want to play table tennis like the Chinese? Now now can! Table tennis company Stiga teamed up with the Chinese National Team to record 11 coaching videos. The videos are in Chinese, but fortunately they have English subtitles, so you can understand what is being said. All of these videos are free to watch.
Go to the Stiga YouTube channel
ITTF How to Play Table Tennis
8 coaching videos featuring top European players. These videos cover serve, receive, drives, topspin and block. The videos give quite specific information about technique. So if you want to make sure you’re playing your shots correctly, these videos should help. All of these videos are free to watch.
Go to the ITTF YouTube channel
Lots of coaching videos from three-time Olympian William Henzell and Australian coach Brett Clarke. Pretty much every aspect of table tennis is covered. There are 20-30 free videos you can watch, but for the rest (200+) you need to pay for a membership.
Dynamic Table Tennis
Brian Pace is a coach from the USA. He has created a number of in-depth training videos. The level of detail in this videos is very impressive. You can purchase Brian’s lessons as a DVD or a video download.
Go the the Dynamic Table Tennis website
Timo Boll Webcoach
Table tennis lessons from one of the greatest players ever. Sign up and you get access to training videos from Timo Boll, Zhu Xiaoyong and Andreas Ball. Lots of topics covered and you can even upload videos of yourself playing and get them analysed by professional coaches. Only issue is that the website is in German.
Go to the Timo Boll Webcoach website