If you want to develop into a decent table tennis player, you need to have good foundations. You need consistent strokes. You need to understand topspin. You need to understand backspin. You have to be confident when serving. You need to have confidence returning serves. You need a range of shots which can help you win points.
To help you develop strong foundations I have created a new online course in Tom’s TT Academy.
It’s a big course – 18 lessons – where I cover the key aspects of table tennis – grip, stance, footwork, drives, pushes, topspin, service and returning serves.
This course is essential for beginner players, who want to learn strong foundations. It is also very useful for intermediate players, who want to make sure they are getting the basics right.
The lessons in the course include…
- How to hold a table tennis bat
- Basic table tennis stance
- Forehand drive
- Backhand drive
- Switching between BH and FH drives
- Footwork
- Coping with randomness
- Backhand push
- Forehand push
- Random pushing rallies
- Forehand topspin vs backspin
- Backhand topspin vs backspin
- Push, topspin, drive transition
- Service rules
- Service actions
- Returning serve
There are 18 videos (approx. 1 hour and 40 mins in total) plus links to 41 other videos and articles to give deeper understanding of lessons in the course.
To access this course, you need to join Tom’s TT Academy. Whilst there is a cost to join, the cost is low. A yearly membership works out at less than £1 per week.
Here’s a taster video, where I demonstrate how to execute a consistent forehand topspin vs backspin. This is a vital shot for all players to learn and will help you overcome your opponent’s pushes, chops and backspin serves.
To access the rest of the videos in this course, please join Tom’s TT Academy.
By joining Tom’s TT Academy you will also get access to all this content…
- in-depth courses
- training drills
- fitness videos
- robot training videos
- member discussions
- video analysis
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- coaching clinic
- and lot’s more!
More content is added regularly. There are hundreds of members of Tom’s TT Academy., and new members are always welcome. You can access all this content for less than £1 per week