Win without moving (that much)

Win without moving (that much)

If you’re an older player or you have hip, knee or ankle problems, you may not find it easy to move around a lot when playing table tennis. But you can still have plenty of success. In this video I show you how you can win at table tennis without moving that much. Enjoy! Keep reading

Easiest way to win a point in table tennis

Easiest way to win a point in table tennis

Subscribe  Online coaching In this video I explain the easiest way of winning a cheap point in table tennis. And this is using the long, fast serve. I’ve being doing this for years at local league table tennis and it works again and again. It also works against higher level players too. I talk about … Keep reading

Number 1 reason intermediate players don’t improve

Number 1 reason intermediate players don’t improve

In amateur table tennis there is a flaw which I see again and again. This flaw is hitting the ball to flat. This could be a flat serve or a flat push or a flat attack. The lack of spin leads to weaker shots and more inconsistency. In the video I explain how these flat shots are damaging your game and how to overcome them. Keep reading

IMPROVE FASTER ... Do these 3 drills

IMPROVE FASTER … Do these 3 drills

If you want to improve at a quicker rate, there are three table tennis drills which are essential. These drills are really simple. Can be done at any level. And they have the potential to transform your game. Keep reading

Master the REVERSE pendulum serve

Master the REVERSE pendulum serve

In this video, coach Tyla Anderson explains how to do a reverse pendulum serve. This is a hugely effective serve, but can be tricky to execute. Tyla shares a number of excellent tips to help you master the serve. He talks about technique, grip, spin variation, service length and service placement. Keep reading

HIGH TOSS SERVE - Your new secret weapon!

HIGH TOSS SERVE – Your new secret weapon!

In this video, coach Ferenc Horvath explains why you should use a high toss serve. This is a serve where you toss the ball much higher than usual, way above your head. If you are able to master the high toss, it can add a new element to your service game. It can help you generate more pace, disrupt the receiving rhythm of your opponent and give more scope for deception. Keep reading

BLOCK LIKE A PRO - Top 5 tips from Craig Bryant

BLOCK LIKE A PRO – Top 5 tips from Craig Bryant

In this video, top coach Craig Bryant share some excellent tips on how to improve your blocking skills. It’s not always possible to attack. Sometimes we have to defend. Blocking is a great way of returning your opponent’s attacks, putting another ball on the table, forcing an error or sometimes winning the point outright. Keep reading

HUGE IMPROVEMENT! Coach Matt fixes my weak forehand topspin

HUGE IMPROVEMENT! Coach Matt fixes my weak forehand topspin

During a filming session, back in June 2023, Matt Leete identified a flaw with my forehand topspin technique, which was causing the shot to be slow and lacking spin. Matt showed me a different way of hitting my forehand topspin, which I was able to pick up quite quickly. Since then my forehand topspin has got stronger and stronger. Keep reading