How to play high quality counter-topspins close to the table

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In this video, top coach Stephen Gertsen explains how to do counter-topspin attacks, playing close to the table.

This is an advanced technique, which requires good timing and a short, controlled swing. But if you can master this shot, then it will help you reach a higher standard and win a lot more points.

The footage was filmed at the Bryant & Gertsen training camp at Plymouth Table Tennis Club in October 2021.

The instructor is Stephen Gertsen and the demonstration is from Craig Bryant and Paul Whiting. There is also footage of participants of the training camp attempting to play counter-topspins and also some footage of myself practising counter-topspins with my robot.



Craig Bryant

Blade: JOOLA TPE Fight
FH rubber: JOOLA Rhyzm Tech
BH rubber: JOOLA Rhyzm Tech

Paul Whiting

Blade: Tibhar Drinkhall Powerspin Carbon
FH rubber: Tibhar Evolution MX-P 
BH rubber: Tibhar Evolution MX-S 

More information:

Stephen Gertsen:
Craig Bryant:
Plymouth Table Tennis Club:

Thank you to Bribar Table Tennis for supporting this video and the training camp.
