How to beat a blocker

How to beat a blocker

In this video I share a few tips and tactics on how you can beat a blocker. To beat a blocker, you need to be clever with your attacks. You need to vary your placement, spin and speed. You need to play consistent good quality attacks. Not easy, but it is possible! Keep reading

5 ways to make your serves stronger

5 ways to make your serves stronger

In this video, top coach Craig Bryant shares his top 5 tips to make your serves stronger. Tips include keep the ball low over the net, serve with more spin, vary the spin and placement, recover quickly after your serve, and lots and lots of practice! Keep reading

Advanced training drills from the Bundesliga

Advanced training drills from the Bundesliga

In this video I show three advanced training drills, which I filmed when I was at German Bundesliga club ASV Grünwettersbach. These drills are great for developing footwork, rallying skills and your serve and receive. All 3 drills finish in open play, where both players are trying to win the point. Keep reading

5 backhand push tactics to beat your opponent

5 backhand push tactics to beat your opponent

In this video, I show 5 different ways you can use your backhand push to beat your opponent. Don’t think of a backhand push as a passive shot which just keeps the ball in play. You can use your backhand push in a variety of ways to put your opponent under pressure, play weak shots or make mistakes. Keep reading

How to do devious TRICK SERVES

How to do devious TRICK SERVES

In this video, top coach and service expert, Craig Bryant, explains how to do trick serves to baffle your opponent and win cheap points. Trick serves can be good fun to practice. But it is possible to use trick serves in matches and completely catch out your opponent. Keep reading

Common ball-watching error – and how to fix it

Common ball-watching error – and how to fix it

In his video, I explain how you can use your eyes better when playing – focusing on your opponent, rather than on your own shot. If you can use your eyes better, you can react quicker to your opponent’s shots and you will be able to play better quality table tennis. Keep reading

Using weight transfer to generate more speed and spin

Using weight transfer to generate more speed and spin

In this video, Rade Markovic (Head Coach – ASV Grünwettersbach) explains the importance of weight transfer when playing table tennis. By using your legs and hips to transfer your weight into the ball you can generate more speed and spin without using extra energy. Keep reading

Service variation and disguise

Service variation and disguise

In this video, pro player Paul Drinkhall, shows a few of his best service variations. Paul shows how he switches between backspin, no spin and topspin serves. He tries to use a similar action, but using different contact points and last moment movements, he is able to generate different spins. Keep reading

3 backhand drive mistakes

3 backhand drive mistakes

In this video, I show three classic mistakes players make when playing a backhand drive. The three mistakes are reaching sideways, reaching forwards and hitting down on the ball. I explain why you should avoid these mistakes and how to correct them. Keep reading

Service combinations to confuse your opponents

Service combinations to confuse your opponents

In this video, top coach and service expert, Craig Bryant, explains how to do effective service combinations. You have two serves. What serves should you do to put your opponent under maximum pressure? There are so many options. But are there any combinations which work particularly well together? Keep reading