Why you should use a two bounce serve

In this video you will learn how to do a two bounce serve. This is a serve which bounces in the middle of the table and the next bounce is very close to the end of the table. The length of this serve can be difficult to deal with. It’s not easy to attack and often an opponent will play a passive return which you can attack. Keep reading

How to do a behind the back shot

In this video I explain how to do a behind the back shot. This is a really tricky shot to do. It requires a big rotation, a high elbow position and very good spatial awareness. It’s the sort of shot which can really surprise your opponent and get loud applause from everyone watching. Keep reading

3 reasons why your forehand topspins go into the net

In this video, I show the three most common reasons why your forehand topspins go into the net. Here’s the scenario … your opponent gives you a backspin ball. It could be a push, a chop or a backspin serve. You try to attack, but the ball goes into the net. Why does this happen? Keep reading

Backhand topspin attack – Amateur vs Pro technique

In this video I compare the backhand topspin technique of an amateur player (myself) with the backhand topspin technique of a professional player (England No.1 Liam Pitchford). Liam’s backhand topspin attack is one of the best in the world. It is very fast, with lots of spin and his placement is exceptional. How is he able to play such an amazing backhand topspin attack? Keep reading

TACTIC – Quick backhand counter-hit, down the line

In this video I explain how to do a quick backhand counter-hit, down the line. This is a shot I use often, and it is surprisingly effective. To make the shot work, you need to contact the ball early, with a short stroke, aiming the ball done the line. The early timing takes time away from your opponent, forcing errors or enabling you to hit outright winners. Keep reading

A simple tactic to beat a push-blocker

In this video I share a simple tactic to beat a push-blocker. The footage is taken from a real coaching session with a player called Martin. Martin plays to a high standard, but he often struggles to beat a push-blocker – the type of opponent who will keep pushing and then when Martin attacks, the push-blocker will keep blocking until Martin makes a mistake. Keep reading

Forehand topspin vs backspin – Amateur vs Pro technique

In this video I compare the forehand topspin vs backspin technique of an amateur player (myself) with the forehand topspin vs backspin technique of a professional player (England No.1 Liam Pitchford). Liam is able to play a much faster, direct and aggressive forehand topspin shot, but how is he able to do this? Keep reading

Unique exercise to improve your balance and adaptability

In this video, Paul Whiting (head coach at Plymouth TTC) shares a unique exercise he uses to help players improve their balance and adapt when slightly out of position. The exercise involves players standing on balance balls. To keep balance, players need to adopt a stable stance, keeping their body weight in an optimal position. If a player leans forwards too much or leans back to much, he or she will lose balance and fall off the balls. Keep reading

Backhand Flick – Amateur vs Pro technique

In this video I compare the backhand flick technique of an amateur player (myself) with the backhand flick technique of a professional player (England No.1 Liam Pitchford). Liam is able to generate a lot more speed and spin with his backhand flick technique, but how is he able to do this? Keep reading