4 simple serves for beginner players

In this video I demonstrate how to do four simple serves. These serves are ideal for beginner players as they are easy to learn and execute. You will learn how to add different spins to the ball by changing your bat angle and swing trajectory. In the video I demonstrate a backspin serve, a topspin serve, a sidespin serve and a no spin serve. Keep reading

How to improve your focus when training

In this video I explain how you can improve your focus when you’re training. Many of us (myself included) can get a little lazy when training. The mind drifts and engagement can be half-hearted. But if a training exercise has a specific challenge attached to it, then most players get a lot more focused. To demonstrate this, here is some footage of my six-year-old daughter Beatrix completing some of my fun challenges. Keep reading

How to play high quality counter-topspins close to the table

In this video, top coach Stephen Gertsen explains how to do counter-topspin attacks, playing close to the table. This is an advanced technique, which requires good timing and a short, controlled swing. But if you can master this shot, then it will help you reach a higher standard and win a lot more points. Keep reading

How to return crossover shots

In this video I explain how to return balls which are aimed at your crossover position. This is the area between your hip and your playing elbow, where you switch between backhand and forehand strokes. Shots aimed at his area can be very tricky to deal with. If you do not move, you will end up leaning to play forehands or reaching to play backhands, neither of which are good options. Keep reading

Too tense? How to relax when playing matches

Many of us get tense when we play matches. Our bodies are preparing for battle. There is lots of randomness. And we rally want to win. All of this naturally leads to tension. But too much tension can ruin our game. In this video I share a simple tip to help your play in a more relaxed state during table tennis matches. Keep reading

How to return a PENDULUM serve (real coaching session with Simon)

In this video, I explain how to return a forehand pendulum serve aimed at your backhand. The footage is taken from a real coaching session with a player called Simon. In the session I show Simon how to read the spin, how to return the serve in a basic way and how to return the serve in a more advanced way. This video is essential viewing to any player who also struggles returning a pendulum serve. Keep reading

Playing distance training drill

In this video, I share a training drill to help you play at different distances from the table. You play two backhand and two forehands close to the table and then two backhands and two forehands away from the table. The final ball is played to the middle of the table and then both players try to win the point. Keep reading

Very effective backhand serve tactic

In this video I share a simple, but very effective backhand serve tactic. The tactic is serving either very wide to the forehand or deep and fast to the backhand. In the video I explain how to do both serves and how to use them effectively. The video also contains lots of footage of me using these serves successfully in a club tournament. Keep reading

Too safe or too wild? How to improve consistency or power

Some players are too safe when they play, and struggle to hit winning shots. Other players are too wild and make too many mistakes. Depending on where you fall on this scale, should influence how you approach your training. This video features top coach Craig Bryant who explains a simple exercise you can do to either improve consistency or risk taking. Keep reading

Footwork for beginners

In this video I explain the basic footwork needed to play table tennis. I start with the basic concept of playing backhands in front of the body and forehands to the side of the body. I then demonstrate the sidestep movement you need to move across the table. I also show a few simple footwork exercises you can do, with the help of my 6-year-old daughter Beatrix. Keep reading