Unique exercise to improve your balance and adaptability

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In this video, Paul Whiting (head coach at Plymouth TTC) shares a unique exercise he uses to help players improve their balance and adapt when slightly out of position.

The exercise involves players standing on balance balls. To keep balance, players need to adopt a stable stance, keeping their body weight in an optimal position. If a player leans forwards too much or leans back to much, he or she will lose balance and fall off the balls.

Stephen Gertsen, Craig Bryant and I attempt to play whilst standing on the balls. It requires a strong core and a lot of concentration. It’s much tougher than it looks!

There are loads of balance balls / cushions / pods available to buy. Here’s one popular example.

Thank you to Bribar Table Tennis for supporting this video and the training camp. To buy a wide range of table tennis equipment, go to www.bribartt.co.uk 

For more information about Plymouth Table Tennis Club, go to: https://joolaplymouthttc.ttclubs.co.uk/
